Benzocaine powder

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Benzocaine:  download specification

Where to buy Benzocaine and Lidocaine powder?

  1.  Amazon:  Benzocaine 100 grams package

  2. TheSmartShopOnline: Benzocaine powder  5 – 1000 grams package

  3.  Lidocaine powder 1000 grams 

  4. Lidocaine powder 100 grams and 25 grams

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Benzocaine powder 100 grams


UPC 780392025422

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever or in cough drops. It is the active ingredient in many over-the-counter anesthetic ointments such as products for oral ulcers. It is also combined with antipyrine to form A/B otic drops to relieve ear pain and remove earwax.

It was first synthesized in 1890 in Germany and approved for medical use in 1902.

Benzocaine prevents the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers and at nerve endings. It is commonly used for local anesthesia in many over-the-counter products. Benzocaine was first used for local anesthesia in dentistry.

Benzocaine binds to both serum albumin and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein